A Logistics Challenge Under the leadership of Francesco Bizzozero, our team has accomplished a logistical masterpiece over the past few weeks. Moving from our old to our new location was anything but trivial. A particularity in Ticino – and therefore for us as well – is the combination of office and warehouse for our fundraising…
Here you can find news about Corris and the world of fundraising in German, French, Italian and English.
The new year has begun with an impressive momentum for our dialogue teams!
Fresh from the Christmas holidays, they have bravely plunged into work despite the challenges posed by the weather. In Switzerland, where the highest temperatures in January sometimes only reach 0 degrees, this is no easy task. But our teams are known for their ingenuity and unshakeable enthusiasm. With their tried-and-true “onion look” and a firm…
Annual Review 2023: Innovations and Collaboration
2023 ends with Corris experiencing a turbulent yet exciting year, marked by innovative and successful projects that thrilled both us and our clients.
Innovationproject: Story to Go One of the highlights of the year was the further development and expansion of our product “Story to Go“. This innovative tool has enabled charitable organizations to present their stories in a modern way in a story format. These stories are then played directly on the donors’ smartphones via QR code…
Le premier refuge pour ours construit par QUATRE PATTES en Suisse est en train de voir le jour à Arosa. Corris s’attache à acquérir de nouveaux parrains pour soutenir ce projet.
Le premier coup de pioche donné fin août 2017 a inauguré les travaux de construction du refuge Arosa Terre des Ours dans les montagnes suisses, dont l’objectif est double: protéger les animaux et promouvoir le tourisme. En effet, le refuge permet d’une part à l’organisation de protection des animaux «QUATRE PATTES», de sauver et d’héberger…
News about Corris
For news about Corris and news from the world of fundraising, please visit our website in German by clicking on “read more”. Here are also news listed in German, French and Italian.